Playing in Traffic

Intersection – January Block of the Month for the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild

Permit(ssion) to Test

Go away. Get lost. Let your mind wander and start playing. I gave you a map to make the block, but what you do and where you go with it is up to you! Give yourself Permission to Test, to get lost, make mistakes and see what transpires.

I’ve been testing. Here are a few Block and Quilt Studies that I have come up with.

Version 1: Intersection – January quilt block in repeat

By placing the single block in repeat Intersection creates a rhythm similar to a classic houndstooth. Here it is in two colorways. One with a light background and one with a dark background. The value of the colors change what you view as the predominate element creating two different quilts.

Version 2: Flipping the block left to right

After making the block as written, I wondered what happens if you flip the design left to right? This is accomplished by simply changing the order that you sew the units around the center red piece (labeled M in the directions). WOW! The lines start to connect. I didn’t expect that. What does it look like with multiple blocks of each version?

The two blocks in repeat

Not only do the green lines connect in repeat, but so do the blue lines. Giving you two different with woven ribbons or lattice. Here they are on point forming a wonderful diagonal grid. The version on the left is surrounded by solid fabrics creating a light airy quilt. Wouldn’t it make a sweet baby blanket? The version on the right is it more solid and the colors are used to create a multi-layered look. Imagine textures or prints in the ribbons!

Version 3: Minimalism

In this version I wanted something more minimal. I started playing with reducing the block to two colors. Then pushed the design further by reducing number of pieces of the block and came up with two very different blocks.

Here they are on point in repeat. The create a really cool zig-zag or modern herringbone pattern. This quilt could probably be sewn in a day or two.

Here are the same two blocks places in various repeats. The only thing I did was rotate the blocks 90 degrees and place them in a different order. Look at how the lines start to connect and create new patterns and rhythms. Imagine if we added an accent color or texture. Maybe I’ll try that next.

This was about two hours of playtime. I gave myself freedom to test ideas. I was able to resist judgment and play, to see what happens if…. Are they successful? I’m not ready to judge them. I’ll come back with fresh eyes tomorrow and be a bit more critical. Who knows maybe my next quilt is somewhere in these designs.

The instructions for all the Licensed to Quilt – Permit(ssion) to Test blocks can be found here. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #licensedtoquilt and tag me @travlis and @GreenvilleMQG  on Instagram. We’d love to see what you are creating.

1 thought on “Playing in Traffic

  1. I find both the left version of ‘ribbons’ & the above 4×4 layout compelling/engaging because they move the eye around the design. For me, ‘ribbons’ would be more fun to make because of the opportunities to ‘improve’ some color/ texture in the background. Great work!


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